Author: e*

FoundersCard Membership Signup Bonus of $100 Amex Gift Card –> How I’m Paying $235 for 2 Years

UPDATE: if you used our referral links, could you please let us know? Apparently the referrals are not getting automatically tracked.

Hello everyone!

I’ve been getting bombarded for over a year by FoundersCard (referral link, see end of post for details) to join their program at a lifetime rate of $295/year. That wasn’t very appealing to me at the time, since I couldn’t justify how to get more than $295/year of value from the program. My friends Kenneth and Tonei were telling me about some of the great benefits. I’m going to rank them here as well as a few thoughts: Continue reading →

Trip Suggestions: San Francisco Bay Area, California

By popular demand (well, like 2 people), I am starting a series of posts on my infamous (to like, 3 people) trip suggestion lists/guides. I’ve had various lists in my Dropbox that I send to people, and I want to clean them up, update them, and post them for the general public.

This may not be helpful to you now, but hopefully it will be at some point! When that point comes, I recommend going through the list, marking what sounds interesting to you, starring those favorites on Google Maps, and then planning an itinerary based on what’s close to each other. My friend Michelle calls this “trip tetris.” Or if you’re a P instead of a J, keep the list handy and see what you feel like doing when you wake up, and map it when you go out the door. 😉 Continue reading →

JetBlue reimburses me for departure airport change

TL;DR: Persistence pays off. Pursue every avenue you can think of, until you’re clearly out of options. Of course, calculate whether the pursuit is worth the effort. And book every flight with a card that has a trip delay benefit…

On 1/6, my husband and I took JetBlue to Las Vegas for the world’s most attended tradeshow, the Consumer Electronics Show.  I won’t go into too much detail (maybe do a trip report later), but if you’ve never heard of it or haven’t been and you like gadgets, cars, drones, virtual reality, home appliances, cameras, and basically any other consumer electronic, you should go. It never fails to be one of the most memorable trips of the year, every year, and is the only trip that my husband will not protest going on. (Plus, if you like free stuff, it’s also good for that :P) Continue reading →

The JCPenney Amex Offer

I Have Spent More Time Inside a JCPenney This Month Than I Have My Entire Lifetime

I’m writing this post because today, I spent a total of 5 hours after work running around town chasing various deals (many were Amex Offers – Best Buy, Staples, Babies R Us, etc), and while that may sound like a lot of time, much of it was wasted at JCPenney. I want to try to save you some time the next time you’re trying to maximize one of those $X off $X coupons (the most popular one being the $10 off $10 that I seem to get in the mail at least quarterly for no apparent reason). Continue reading →

Silvercar $75 Discount and Great Customer Service

These Silvercar discount codes came as part of a Virgin America promotional email today.

1st time renters: use code ELEVATE75 for $75 off.

Returning customers: use code ELEVATE15 for 15% off.

I have my first-time reservation in FLL coming up in December that I had previously used code FTU50 for 1 day free. When I got this new code, I thought about cancelling the reservation and rebooking it with the new code, but was concerned that there would be IT issues with being considered a 1st-time renter, etc. So I shot off a quick email to and within 10 minutes I had received a response from Customer Support: Continue reading →

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