Michael and I had the pleasure of sharing our hobby with a collection of coworkers during ‘hack week’ at our office, and now we’d like to share it with you. It’s a crash course in finding cheap deals, reducing costs, redeeming and earning points and miles, as well as some other miscellaneous tips and tricks we’ve picked up. For those of you who are new to the hobby, we hope that it serves as a fairly thorough introduction and a starting point from which to embark on your own travel hacking journey. For those of you who have been at this for a while, hopefully it can help you explain to your friends and family just why it is that you spend so much time running to Target or Walmart every week 😉
Here’s the video, with a link to slides below. We have also posted the links to our Resources page for easy reference.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wMFwuz707WU]
Find the slides here.
Updated the slides. Thanks for the comments!
Very cool deck! I didn’t watch the video, but the presentation was nice. I really like the master list of transfer partners. Only feedback is that I don’t really agree with the slide with who else to read/follow (except Doctor of Credit). I can understand that you are trying to point people to some “simple” blogs, but maybe at least include another list with better blogs once they’ve read all the unique content put out by the first list.
Thanks! Glad you enjoyed. And yeah, we actually struggled with that one, since the blogs start to have very different ‘flavors’ after you get beyond the basics. We were targeting a very beginner audience so we felt what we had was sufficient, but who all is on your blogroll?
I knew that question was coming…lol…I almost did a follow-up reply right away…So these are my top recommendations if we’re talking travel hacking and other points/miles/cb blogs too:
Doctor of Credit-Typically one of the first to break news and great analysis of deals/news.
Free-quent Flyer-Brings a much different and appreciated perspective than many of the other bloggers. I don’t like I’m reading the same posts over and over.
Frequent Miler-Could possibly skip, but does have some unique content at times. A bit of a mix of everything and also fast to post about deals.
Oren’s Money Saver-Great to follow and learn about reselling
Money Metagame-I’m newly following but seems good so far.
Miles to Memories-a lot of overlap with Frequent Miler
Travel is Free-Similar to Free-quent Flyer he puts out content not seen on any other sites. Great to maximizing the points/miles you’ve already earned.
Big Habitat-Great to follow and learn about reselling. Not much overlap with Oren’s so that’s helpful. Sometimes he makes you work a little to figure out the exact deal, which is a good thing to teach people how to find their own deals.
Matt from Saverocity-Very unique perspectives and philosophies not found on many other blogs.
Chasing the Points-Great for learning about gift card churning.
Milenomics-Unfortunately Sam doesn’t seem to be writing any new content, but well worth the read through his previous posts. Much of it is still very applicable.
Dan’s Deals-He has some interesting tricks for points/miles I’ve never seen posted about anywhere else.
I miss Milenomics :'(
I should add that I did actually get my start in this hobby [aka “The Hobby” 🙂 ] reading mostly the exact blogs that you had listed, so I can understand giving them as start blogs. I think I spent too much time on them though, so it would have been nice to have a list of more advanced blogs to move onto earlier.